How long does it take to ship my item?

Shipping times vary based on where you live and how long it takes to process your order. Typically we can fulfill in 2-5 business days and ship it to you within another 3 business days, though sometime it takes much longer. Again, the way in which these times vary is directly in relation to how far the item must travel through the mail.

Do you pre-pay Customs Fees and Duties ahead of time for international orders?

No, we do not pre-pay any Customs Fees and/or Duties. You are responsible for the laws as regulations of taxation and import according to your country of residence. We will do whatever we can to help you navigate this process but the fees and duties are not included in the price of your order.

What happens if I'm not happy with my order?

We will do everything we can to make things right. Sometimes we issue refunds. Other times we may ship a replacement product. Regardless, it is at our sole discretion. What we can promise you is that we'll do everything we can to make sure you feel like you got great customer service and are satisfied with your order.

Do the heroes on the website design the logos themselves?

Sometimes the heroes design their own logo and other times we work alongside them to help bring their vision to life. This merch is coming straight from your heroes to you, the fans. We know this connection is important to you and we can assure you that we do everything we can to honor the amazing example set by these incredible people.

Can you help me get in touch with the heroes?

We're happy to pass along messages of thanks and encouragement to your heroes. They love hearing from you and love seeing you wearing their merch even more. Tag us on social media and show us rocking your awesome style.